My Small Suburban Garden

My Small Suburban Garden

Sunday 12 October 2014

Autumn Arrives...

My small suburban garden is looking rather worse for wear after recent high winds and heavy rain. The begonias took a real battering, poor things, and there were terracotta tubs upturned, spilling soil on the concrete slabs. Soggy, brown leaves are in evidence, as if we needed any further proof that autumn has indeed arrived. The jasmine is playing host to numerous spider webs, which look quite pretty in the early morning sunlight.

A lovely fuchsia, given to me by a dear friend in July for my birthday, is currently in it's third bloom, adding a fabulous splash of colour beside my back door. The geraniums are still going strong and there's signs of primulas poking through the soil at the far end of the garden.

The chives and parsley are now in seed, and the rosemary, mint and thyme are all looking a bit worse for wear. I really do need to keep a close eye on the weather forecast now as the begonias won't tolerate sub-zero temperatures and if I want a gorgeous display next year I'll need to dig up the tubers and keep them warm and dry until the spring.

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